Should I make the screening of workers strict?

Should I make the screening of workers strict? So, this time I will write a story about the process prepared before coming to Singapore. There are some types of visa in Singapore, and it depends on whether it is stationed or local recruitment. I don’t think it will be very helpful. When working at a casino in Singapore, I would like to write a visa or casino license and write about how it has been updated. You first ended your casino interview in 2014, and if you get a job offer, you will be explained on the spot, and you will be prepared by 〇〇.ビザの取得、そしてカジノで働くためのカジノライセンスの取得 まず、会社から渡された指定の書類に全部記入しなくてはなりません Proof of Previous Employment Proof of address verification Copy of highest education certificate Certificate of No Copying the Criminal Conviction password is not particularly fine. It would be OK if you copy it if there is a deadline for more than a year. In my case, I submitted two companies in a Japanese company and three companies in Australia. He explained why he needed a certificate of enrollment, contacted HR people and president to mail it, or sent it to the email. 코인카지노 Basically, all documents require a copy of the original Japanese original and a version translated into English. I asked a translation company to translate. This was quite a lot and troublesome. It seems that there were places where I could not prove it. I submitted as much as possible, my parents, Hokkaido, Tokyo, Australia (3 states), Tokyo, which I came to these addresses, the bill for paying the fee, and the certificate at the time of contract, mainly submitted a certificate of contract. I received an English graduation certificate. Another credit report was submitted by Certificate, a language school in Australian. If you search on the net, it will be CIC or JICC, but this is something like a debt, a credit card repayment, or if you have a loan, it is like confirming the repayment status of it. I would like to touch it soon. This is the one who lived abroad for more than three months in Japan and for more than three months, I needed a crime certificate in that country. I went to the Metropolitan Police Department and applied to Australia online I asked you to mail it. After that, I went back to my parents’ house, took a copy of my family register and a family register, and I also had to write the family structure in the documents from the company that I submitted, and the information of the company that work for the family. Anyway, I remember that it was too hard to do for the first time, and at the same time I was relieved that I needed to submit a document to prove myself so far. The casino license and the company’s contract were just the other day, so I got a contact for updating the casino license, so I ended up with anything, I think the update has been completed within a few weeks. I’m just a foreigner, so I don’t know when the contract will end. Is it possible to issue a casino license in Japan and work at a casino would have to get it? There were still millions of repayments, but I came to Singapore safely and I was able to work in a casino. If you have a crime history, it may be difficult to work at a casino no matter how good. There is no debt, but I don’t know how much this will actually affect me. There are quite a lot of things that happen to the casino, so no matter how much I get along with, dealers and supervisors. If you are not acting according to any unnatural actions or in -house procedures, you may be careful, especially the staff you are watching, may be working alone, and the staff may collect each other. So, I think that the staff working at the casino should be carefully judged. I think there is a tendency for people who have debts or are in trouble with money tend to be able to dye crime. Is a casino, and it may have to be cautious because it has the potential to commit a crime. I don’t know, I don’t know, and when I work at a casino where I can hold a secret that I don’t want to be known to others, and use my weaknesses and use ordinary people to work at a casino, I need to submit a lot of certificates. you know. There is nothing wrong with it. I want you to add these proofs + joint guarantor. It is a family structure, family employment, and the asset status of that house. It is especially important for those who manage deposits and withdrawal books. The news of such people’s fraudulent news comes out regularly, so if you have a lot of debt in your relatives, you will strictly check the repayment status and increase the joint guarantor to two or three. I’ve heard that there is no misalignment of money for each shift. I don’t really know if it’s a lie (laughs), but if there is a gap even for 1 yen, the people who worked at that time could not return home until the cause could be understood. It is possible to take a blur. If you give a lot of money and dividends to customers, you will reflect on the customer. I want to know more ~ ​​I’m a human, so of course you may always make a mistake, but you should always be careful not to make the same mistake.

0 | 2021-10-26 02:07 | Casino | Comments ()

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■■■ What I think, hear, and think ■■■


・ “Keitaro Hasegawa passed away on September 3, 2019 at the age of 91. I would like to express my sincere condolences here and look forward to what Hasegawa’s prophecy will be in the future.” is.

Keitaro Hasegawa seems to have been “active until his death”. The energetic people seem to be in the world until he dies. It seems to be one of the results of the Internet revolution.

By the way, of course, the number of deaths of elderly celebrities has recently increased. Setouchi Jakucho died at the age of 99 on November 9, 2021. It is also expected that the elderly of the “baby boomer generation” will die with fluttering, but it does not seem to be overlooked by the advancement of medicine. At that time, is the number of elderly people over 100 years old?

“Future chronology” population declining what will happen in Japan

According to a book called Masashi Kawai Kodansha 2017/6/14,

2020 half of women over 50 years old

2024 One in three people, 65 years old

In 2027, one in 3 units in an empty house

2039 Refracting crematorium

In 2040, half of the local government disappeared

2042 Elderly population peaks

・ There are countless members and local council members who say that they will stop the declining birthrate and aging population. In parliamentary and administrative meetings throughout the country, discussions due to lack of awareness and misunderstandings are repeated, and more and more tonchinkan measures are being created. “

・ By the way, it is said that there is no need to worry about the modernization of the cremation device and the number of new crematoriums increases for the “lack of crematorium”. Certainly, it seems that the new listing of “funeral companies” is increasing. It is said that the cremation and funeral of the dead in developing countries in pandemic were difficult. It is said that “17 people in the world starvation in one minute, and 12 of them are children”, but the “World Ceremony” seems to be continuing.

The pandemic of the new colon virus infection seems to be making a big difference between the world and Japan. It seems that “competition and selection” by pandemic are coming.

・ Keitaro Hasegawa seems to have had a unique view on China. He says, “After the CCP collapses, it will be democratized.”

“Now that China has many contradictions, and the Chinese economy is definitely going to collapse. I am expecting the collapse of the Soviet Union. This is not crazy.” In addition, you can see the collapse of North Korea. Again, Keitaro Hasegawa claimed that communist nations such as China and North Korea will eventually disappear from the history of humanity. “

Soichiro Tahara said, “I don’t have much information as much as Mr. Hasegawa, so Hasegawa’s expectations may be correct, but at this time, there are a minority that China will democratize.” I mentioned. Most of the predictions and prophecy of humans do not hit much.

Keitaro Hasegawa’s theory seems to have many “minor theories” from the general theory of the public. However, later, he turned out to be close to the truth.

It is said that “China is a population power, so there is anything.” “And in the case of China, the trouble is that there is no social security system.” “In the 21st century, humanity will be the century facing China’s issue.”

The post -war intellectuals longed for communism, and Keitaro Hasegawa also became a Communist Party. It is said that the number of people who wake up to the “Communist Fight” has increased as the actual situation of the socialist system wrapped in secret veil due to the collapse of the Soviet Union has been known. The collapse of the Soviet Union was an unexpected sudden event.

It seems that many theories say, “From the current situation, it is” infinitely far away “that China becomes a democratic state like Japan and Taiwan.” “The Chinese Communist Party’s decision is effectively ranked higher than the constitution.” It is said that the rule of the Chinese Communist Party does not end easily.


・ According to the Internet information “Chunichi Shimbun” (2020/3/12), “[Geneva Joint] Secretary -General of World Health Organization (WHO) (WHO) said on the 11th,“ Pandemic (Global Trends) ) He was judged to be able to be expressed. ” In response to the current situation where infections have expanded to the world and the early ends can no longer be seen, the use of WHO’s expressions that do not exist in the provisions of the WHO has been promoted to further strengthening to each country.

Large -scale infections have expanded from China, Italy, South Korea, Iran, etc., with about 120,000 people in the world, and about 4,380 dead. It is stated that Tedoros predicted that “the number of infected people, dead, and the number of countries will continue to increase in the future.”

・ We are concerned about the impact of the world’s economic, finance, and stock markets due to the pandemic of the new colon virus. Even in Japan, the impact of the pandemic seems to be opaque.

・ According to the internet information of “TV Asahi News” (2020/3/12)

“Possibility of infection of 70 % of the people”

“The new Coloronavirus infection, German Prime Minister Merkel, said,” 70 % of the people may be infected, “on the premise of prolonged fashion.

In Germany, where more than 1,500 people have been identified, Prime Minister Merkel complains on the 11th that “the spread of infection should be delayed and the burden on the medical system should be avoided.” He said he needed time. He cited the opinions of an expert and said, “70 % of the people may be infected.”

In Spain, where more than 2,000 people infected, health authorities said at a conference that “it would take up to five months to clearly show the effects of government measures”, suggesting a prolonged trend. thing. We ordinary people do not know the situation of new European pneumonia. “What does it mean that” 70 % of the people may be infected? ” Is it fake news?

In the book “Kokusai’s Branch,” the author, David Atkinson, said, “If you say more, Japan’s deflation resembles an American thing, despite its completely different ways of a country. The major factor is that the deregulation of employment has been deregulated. ” The biggest problem for Japan is that the productivity is low, but we think that productivity is a small and medium -sized business problem. “

“What should I do to prevent such evil in Japan, a declining population, is the only effective way to raise wages?” Certainly, it has been pointed out that Japanese small and medium -sized enterprises are “not easy.”

・ It is said that event strategies such as the Olympics and the World Expo Expo are not expensive. The cost of the Olympics seems to have been larger than the original plan. The words that the Diet have become a skeleton, and the terms of system reform are frequently used that “drastic review” is often used. “There is no problem. Reforms are constantly delayed.” It is said that there are many experts who say that qualities are a problem and “make a member of parliamentary qualification tests.” Before the “lost 20 years”, it was said to be “economic top -notch, politics second -class”, but is now called “economic second -class, three -class politics”. “Reforms are delayed because really good bureaucrats, politicians, and scholars are not appointed.” There is a theory that “Japanese politicians play a role like an American lobbyist.” It is said that there is no recognition or awareness of politicians and bureaucrats in that regard. Politicians and bureaucrats’ scandals and misunderstanding reports are said to be anxious for the people and the people are ashamed. Naturally, the government should only be able to configure the best & bratests?! It imitates the United States and imitates the deregulation and economic policy of Amelie, which has a vast land, to a narrow country of the country. It is said that there is a problem.

It is said that a “national and local remodeling plan” that combines the wisdom of the best and bratesters of the Best & Britest, who is familiar with state -run and local management work. It is said that politicians should use it greatly because government offices are the largest think tanks in Japan.

However, it is said that the bureaucracy system cannot adapt to the trend of the times and the system fatigue and deterioration are noticeable. It is said that enacting and enforcing and operating a law is very difficult for bureaucrats and public servants. Various problems have been pointed out, such as law violations, illegal acts, and social insurance premiums, but there are problems with “business succession” and “shortage of successors”, and M & A (merger and acquisition) of small and medium -sized enterprises progresses. It is said.

There are a variety of economic policies, but it is said that “all projects are trial and error.” The countermeasures may be “short and long in the obi”.

Social delays, non -containment, lateral, and old heads are increasing more than expected. “The appointment of women is not a developed country.” Naturally, it seems that a survival plan is needed for a decline in population, a major earthquake directly below the capital, and a giant Nankai trough earthquake tsunami. It is said that a “national remodeling plan” that combines wisdom of the best & bristest technoclato, a well -known state -run practice, is required.

・ This theory is said to be difficult to confirm and verify numbers and facts. We, the general public, is basically lacking in study, and we do not understand the actual situation of society due to lack of information. It is said that reforms are delayed, and more aspects that are not developed countries are increasing. “There is no problem. Reforms are constantly delayed.” Things always have both sides, plus and negative aspects. It is said that “if the wind blows, the bubble shop will be profitable”, but the causal relationship between the cause and the result is unpredictable. The economy is not going well, but an effective economic policy is difficult. After all, these current analysis can be said to be analysis from Marquist. However, it seems that the complex modern society cannot be covered by traditional “scientific socialism” analysis. The point seems to be the point of what kind of impact of AI (artificial intelligence) gives society. It is said that it is said that a “state and local remodeling plan”, which combines wisdom of the best and braitest members and local council members who are familiar with national management and local management practices. “While the people are ridiculing politics, only politics worth the ridicule.” It is said that “sweet international sense and poor language skills have greatly damaged national interests.” The scandals and misunderstanding of politicians and bureaucrats are said to be anxious for the people and the people are ashamed. The title is negative and pessimistic by saying, “To the young people born in the destruction of Japan.” Is it a fallen eye?

・ I can’t recognize the “that world” from the “this world”, but the opposite seems to be easy to understand. It is said that the world moves according to the scenario drawn by the gods. We do not understand the strange theory that all of the forests are as the scenario described by the high intellectual body.

Archangels, gods, angels, and work are incomprehensible. I don’t know the reality of parallel universe (parallel universe). Illuminati may know the future scenario of the earth. There is also a story that “you can meet God when you enter a free mason organization such as Illuminati.” “Illuminati is powerful because it is an alien group.” It seems to be a different entity from the Illuminati organization written in the textbook, but in history it may have been contact with humans.

・ The flying disk of Illuminati has a time travel, and it is said that the U.S. military general was on board. There seems to be a theory that you can go sightseeing trips on the Illuminati disk and see the scene of the crucifixion of Christ. The super science of Sirius aliens seems to be unimaginable. It is said that the scheme of “Babel’s Tower = World Unified Kingdom = Nimrodo -Baal -Morok = Illuminati = Illuminati = World Unified Government” is established. I don’t know the entity of the evolved alien who created a world after the death of a human. It is said that “Japan is a country where Hermes governs.” It is said that archangels have supervised large organizations and cities.

“The archangel is a resident of the heavenly world who is in charge of the hidden part of the creation. Preparing and planning everything in the creation is the first job, and it can be called” the person who builds all forests. ” It is said that the design of the whole natural world is undertaken. ” It also states, “Angels exist innumerably. In Judaism, angels are born every day. Angel’s work is to hold a beautiful textile that changes every moment.” 。 There seems to be a mysterious theory that “the nearest future, the Kipa Belt Alien and the 4th Empire, the Illuminati will be united, and will be trying to build a global management system.”

・ Looking at “Economist” (March 19, 2019), there was a special article called “China Great Stall”. Although it is a population power, the two polarized domestic situation seems to be chaotic. The number of patents of Huaway is very large, but it may be like a “patent war” with the United States in the future. It has been pointed out that China is doing all the power in “patent competition.” The US -China trade war seems to have passed twists and turns. It doesn’t seem to go as expected in the United States due to China’s response. Foreign countries are said to be a “litigation society” that can not be considered in Japan. Therefore, it is said that many individuals and companies are involved in trouble in foreign countries.

・ There are concerns about the cyber war between the United States and China. In the near future, it is said that cyber crimes will increase dramatically. It is said that Russia, China, North Korea, etc. are cyber crimes and cyber attacks, involving military intelligence organizations.

The state -led cyber attack is said to be a war.

According to Inter -Net information, “The first damage of North Korea’s cyber attack is an Asian cryptocurrency exchange, only in January 2017 to September 2018, and the damage amount is 57100. It has been pointed out that it has reached $ 10,000 (about 63.5 billion yen).

“North Korean cyber attacks have been reported to be involved in the NEM fraudulent incident at the COINCHECK virtual currency exchange in January 2018. More than 90 % of cryptocurrencies stolen by North Korea are due to the Coincheck incident, and the company’s total damage will be $ 534 million. ” Cyber ​​attacks across borders are terrible.

・ In foreign countries, it is said that the number of “irregular zones” is increasing in some risks. Like New Zealand’s fire, the conflict between immigrants and illegal immigrants is becoming more intense. It is said that the movement of people is also increasing dramatically in the large -scale transportation of the sky, and the probability of being involved in troubles is increasing. Foreign workers and immigrants are also increasing. “If you verify the history of humanity so far, it is the most dangerous policy to have a large amount of immigrants from abroad from abroad.” If you make a mistake, it has been pointed out that society will have many troubles. Foreigners overflowed in the city now, and it is a truly International era. Since the government is the largest think tank in Japan, it will be active. It is said that the government economist will determine the policy.

・ Compared to economic efficiency, politics and administrative efficiency are said to be delayed. It has been pointed out that any system has plus and negative aspects. In modern times, it is said that incidents due to deterioration of large public and private tissues occur frequently. The cause of frequent “deterioration” cases of public -private management is also unknown to the general public. Fake News is also flowing a lot on inter -nets, but it is difficult to believe in “character information” and “video information” as it is. The numbers are no longer accurate what the basis is. It has been pointed out that the “Moritomo issue” and “additional problem” also took a lot of time and energy.

As a matter of course, in order to maintain and develop the nation, the government should have gathered best and brushes in the government, but the scandals and misunderstandings of bureaucrats and politicians are uneasy for the people. It is said that the people are ashamed.

“Absolute power is absolutely corrupt. The long -term administration always rots.” It has been pointed out that an organization with no retirement age tends to be dictated to the top. It is said that the company’s founder is also important to make a successor. According to a doctor, Tokyo Medical University’s “unauthorized entrance examination” is surprising that “if women are not restricted, there will be more women in the order of good grades, and there will be practical problems.” We are not familiar with the general public about doctors and doctors’ education. “If the percentage of female doctors increases, the world will be full of ophthalmologists and dermatologists.” Speaking of which, some patients had a terrible eye after encountering a female ophthalmologist.

It is said that “I do not leave the gates of a good work, but run in the villain,” but it is said that “there is no stupid person in such a country of information on corruption.” It seems strange that the incident may be accompanied by the “suicide” of public servants and stakeholders.

・ Naturally, personnel affairs are the most important and the right place is required, but is the political -led leadership distorted? The problem of the abduction case has not been solved for more than 40 years. For the last 40 years, government officials may have been working, but it is said that who has become the Prime Minister does not solve it. It is said to be a limited budget, limited financial resources, limited treatment, increased tax revenue, and a budget deficit that cuts the non -sufficient welfare budget. It is said that heavy rains, water shortages, and other natural disasters occur in an unexpected area, as they enter an unexpected area worldwide. It is said that the number of disaster victims will increase rapidly, so it is necessary to radically improve measures. Even though it is a natural disaster archipelago, measures against victims are not enough due to lack of financial resources and budget. It is said that Japanese experts have not played a lot of role, but it is hoped that the stakeholders will take immediate and effective measures. Who was responsible for the disastrousness of a back -developed country in various aspects? “We can’t understand the” disappearing pension problem “where 50 million payment records have disappeared.

・ It seems that it is easy to say that it is easy to say that it is easy to say, such as Nihon University, Tokyo Medical University, and the Japan Boxing Federation. It seems that the accounting institution is not good at it, but is it possible to prohibit wasting taxes? In this era, the national blood tax tax eater may be growing. It is said that “Hama’s Masago is exhausted, but the trouble is exhausted.” Various scandals will continue to crowd society and the media.

Mr. Yoichi Takahashi’s book is “You can read the future of Japan just by knowing this number” (2019/3/28), “” Consumption tax hike is only a lie “(2019/2/16), and” Liberal arts stupid ” However, it will be useless, but “Mathematics stupid” saves the national disaster “(2018/5/19),” The media and the bureaucrats will destroy Japan “(2018/7/27), and” Financial Demolate the ministry! (2018/6/1), etc. If you say “Yoichi Takahashi” on Amazon, you will find 266 books. I’m a multiple scholar. The debate between the effects and limits of Abenomics seems to be terrible. It is said that the basic economic concept has a large difference in economist’s views, and the qualities of economists can be seen.

・ The Ministry of Finance, which was said to be the “strongest government agency,” seems to have fallen significantly due to the scandal of the Secretary -General, rewriting, etc. In countries like Japan, it is said that “corruption” and “scandals” are quickly revealed. It is said, “Evil, be sure to reveal” and “run in the villain.” In the information society like today, it means that it does not leak in the heavens. It is said to be “a bee on the crying side”.

It is said that the cause of “lack of financial resources” and “lack of budget” should be thoroughly pursued. It is said that natural disasters such as typhoons, torrential rains, and water shortages will increase unexpectedly worldwide due to global warming. It is said that the “disaster budget” is not enough. It seems that heavy rain disasters such as heavy rains in western Japan can occur unexpectedly worldwide. It is also said that the water shortage due to large drought worldwide is terrible. It is predicted that a “unexpected” disaster will occur.

Like the heavy rains in western Japan, the embankment, which was created in anticipation of the heavy rain in the assumption, was destroyed by the heavy rain of “unexpected”, and the “unexpected natural disaster” will continue to be “natural disaster archipelago” in the future. There are concerns about attacking. The assumption of a large earthquake tsunami just below the capital and the Nankai Trough Giant Earthquake Tsunami is also terrible for us. Since the government is the largest think tank in Japan, it will actively function like the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Ministry of Education.

・ It is said that “deterioration” is promoted in various social fields. The scandals of large companies do not understand the cause. In the past, the large newspaper was also authoritative, and I read the newspaper as a work of “Asaichi”, but now it seems that more and more people have not read newspapers. It seems that if you do not throw away something, you will not be able to put time and energy unless you abandon something. He is biting on his computer without watching TV or newspapers. It may be no longer reading weekly magazine articles. By 카지노사이트추천 the way, AI is likely to give society a more impact than an interior online revolution. By the way, it has been pointed out that “China is eerie in China.”

Kenichi Omae says, “The casino is a hypothan industry. It is impossible to revitalize the economy.” It is said that the “IR (integrated resort) implementation bill”, including casinos, was passed by the lower house, and it is said that Japanese “private gambling” has finally begun. In his book, it is analyzed in detail, but it is said that the initially expected economic effect is not obtained, as in other policies, and the result is “unexpected”. It has been pointed out that the policy planning ability has also deteriorated.

・ It is said that the suspicious Chinese statistical figures have been pointed out by experts for some time. It is said that a large error appears in the numbers, especially if you continue to use the Soviet old statistics system. “In my prediction, if we assume the worst, China’s actual GDP will only be about one -third of the official announcement value,” it is often incomprehensible to us. It seems that. When will the author’s theory be the theory? The collapse of the Soviet Union was unexpectedly like a sudden death. Does China’s unexpected sudden death occur? There seems to be the limit of government office economists. There are many people in Japan who are said to be economists. Of course, we are not familiar with the details of the Chinese economy. What about Chinese honey laps after that? According to the author, “At night there was a banquet on the go, but a ridiculous beautiful woman came as an entertainment role. I thought it would be dangerous to be together until the second party. I ran away from the spot. ” By the way, it is pointed out as a honey trap power.

In the socialist economy, it was said to be the most out of bureaucracy. In modern times, in Russia, it is said that the security and government officials of the Ministry of Defense and the Biard, which are called “Shiroviki”, have recovered and have begun fear politics. In China, the Communist Party bureaucrats have become a no -clats (red nobles), and it has been pointed out that they restrict their richness in folk critays in urban areas and rural people. The market economy doesn’t seem to work well.

-The information manipulation of the number of “Japanese debt is 1000 trillion yen” and “8.3 million yen per person” is said to have been widely used to operate the people. It is said that Prime Minister Noda at that time also responded to “do not leave debts to descendants.” The Ministry of Finance seems to have been responsible for this number. According to information in this number, public opinion that “opposes the tax increase” is no longer powerful. Did various political mechanics work? In addition, books of the “Japanese economic bankruptcy theory” and “government bond crashing theory”, such as economic critics, are full of stores. However, it is said that some economists say that there is no national debt problem. It seems that we are often incomprehensible to economic theories. Economist’s views are divided into the most basic economies of the economy, indicating the qualities of economists. It is said that Prime Minister Abe himself acknowledged Abenomics failure. Economic issues are the main concerns of the people. Therefore, I would like to have the so -called “correct explanation”. “It’s not well known, but Japanese social security is a poor thing that is not a developed country.” It seems that the system is severe and the system has deteriorated. In addition, the deterioration of bureaucrats and politicians seems to be severe. It is said that there is no recognition or awareness of politicians and bureaucrats in that regard.ある意味ではディスインフォメーション(偽情報)になったのかもしれません。

・ 「日本の借金は1000兆円」といわれると誰でも驚いたものです。解釈が違うと別の結論がでてくるようです。財務省というファイナンスの権威のある役所のいうことは、誰でも従うともいわれます 。「それこそ税金の無駄遣いを止めて、国民の血税を費用対効果を考えて政策財源にあてるべきだ」そうです。1票の格差が大きいと政権の正統性が疑われるといわれます。「政治は税金なり」といわれますが、税制が劣化してきていると語られています。 消費税に重点を置きすぎていて、累進課税や法人税の実質的な税制が応分負担に改正されるべきと指摘されます。文部省の天下り斡旋が問題になっていました。 官僚制度も時代の流れに適合できなかったといわれます。「改革が遅れているのは本当に優れた官僚や政治家が登用されていないからだ」ともいわれます。「失政」が増えている時代に、私たち一般人は、政治意識を高めていく必要があるそうです。「国民が政治を嘲笑している間は嘲笑に価する政治しか行われない」といわれます。

・Amazonに「アベノミクス」といれますと1000件以上の書籍がわかります。『日本経済長期低迷の構造』(荒巻健二)、『アベノミクス崩壊』(牧野富夫)、『日本経済崖っぷち 妄念の中の虚像、アベノミクス』(浜矩子)等で、ネガティブなものが増えてきているようです。アベノミクスの評価も立場の違いで、2つのグループに分かれるようです。官庁エコノミストは、痛烈に批判する人は当然ながら、少ないようです。 『「新富裕層」が日本を滅ぼす』という本の著者は、37冊くらいの本を書いているようです。財務省の見解というものは専門家集団ですので、指導力は強いそうです。「実は日本は社会保障“後進国”」という認識の有識者は多いのでしょうか。

・著者(武田知弘氏)によると消費税という税は不合理な政策だということになります。しかし、「無税国債」の発行に賛成する官庁エコノミストは多くないようです。「無税国債の発行」を主張する新しい首相はでてくるのでしょうか、社会の遅れた面、非近代性、後進性、頭の古い面が予想以上に増えてきています。改革の速度も大変遅いようです。「失われた日本経済の20年」といわれますが、その間の経済政策は効果的ではなかったようです。 20年の間に「日本経済の劣化」は相当すすんだようです。世界中で「格差の問題」が議論されています。「格差」は、税制で作られたともいわれます。「財源の裏付けのない政策は実現できない」ということで、「限られた予算、限られた処遇、増えない税収、十分でない福祉予算を削る財政赤字」という状況が続きました 。財政・社会保障費の抜本改革が不可欠であることは明らかですが、実施は難しいようです。「もともと国家予算の分配の問題になるようで、財源をひねり出すためにも、行政、立法、司法の大胆なリストラ、近代化、効率化が必要」といわれます。 税金の無駄遣いもなくせないようです。「それこそ税金の無駄遣いを止めて、国民の血税を費用対効果を考えて政策財源にあてるべきだ」そうです。想定外の多雨に備えて全国の堤防の補強が必要といわれます。

・「日本は先進国だろうか」という声も街中では増えてきているようです。「女性の登用も先進国とはいえない」そうです。女性の眼から見ると「政治や経済の後進性」を痛切に感じることでしょうか。スイスではベーシックインカムの実施が国民投票で否定されましたが、大胆な改革が先進諸国で検討されているようです。 国家経営の実務に精通したベスト&ブライテストのテクノクラートのドリームチームによる英知を結集した「国家改造計画」が求められているといわれます。舛添氏の公私混同が議会で批判されました。メディアにも大きく取り上げられました。あまりにも期待された人だったので、反動も大きかったようです。 「昔から政治が一番遅れている。票の請負業のようなもの」といわれます。困っている人も増えており、単に政治の貧困としては片づけられないそうです。いつまでも「政治が遅れている」ということでは複雑化する社会問題に対応できないでしょう。政治家は選挙民の対応に追われて、勉強ができないそうです。 「失政」が増えている時代に、私たち一般人は、政治意識を高めていく必要があるそうです。「移民の問題も移民に土地を与えることができないので受け入れられない」といわれます。 「改革が遅れているのは本当に優れた官僚や政治家が登用されていないからだ」といわれます。

「政治家が劣化している時代だ」ともいわれています。「政務活動費の問題も氷山の一角」と指摘されています。「日本の政治家はアメリカのロビイストのような役割を果たしている」という説もあります。そこで政治の改革がなかなかすすまないといわれます。 「民主主義国家においては国民はその程度に応じた政府しか持ちえない」、「国民が政治を嘲笑している間は嘲笑に価する政治しか行われない」ということで、「政治が遅れている。私たち一般人は、政治意識を高めて政治の近代化を急がなければならない」そうです。

・「消費税増税のスタンス」が政治の一般論としてあります。日本の「借金」は1000兆円もあり、財政危機の状況であり、消費税を上げて財政危機を回避しなければならないという議論が有力説となり、政府を動かしているといわれます。 1000兆円という数字が独り歩きしており、真面目に「日本破綻」を主張している学者・エコノミストも少なくありません。経済学者やエコノミストが最も基本的な問題に見解が対立しているのは、私たち一般人には不思議な話です 。財政の危機を考えると、消費税増税もやむをえないという思考が一般的でしたが、「日本の借金問題は、懸念することはない」という説もあり、驚きます。


・ 「築土構木の思想で、土木工事を大規模にして日本を建てなおす」必要があるようです 。国土強靭化構想で、水道や下水道等、道路のインフラを再整備する必要があります。老朽化がひどいそうです。また地震や津波に対する対策や東日本大震災の復興にも大規模な「土木建設」が必要です。 首都直下大地震津波や南海トラフ巨大地震津波も発生確率が非常に高いと、大衆レベルでも認識が浸透しています。かつて日本は、田中角栄氏の「日本列島改造論」にあるように「土建国家」ともいわれたものでした。田中角栄元首相の実績には毀誉褒貶があるようです。
