Urban Forest Carbon Transaction NFT

If there is another challenge to disturb the future of the city along with the imbalance of artificial intelligence, the imbalance of population and resource distribution, it is a climate problem for the earth. The city, which aims at sustainability, is seeking solutions using digitals about new challenges of this era, and most of the world’s northern hemisphere cities, including Europe, are focusing on solving problems.

There is one case here. On April 22, the 43rd emissions certification committee was approved by the Pohang Rail Trail Forest. The Pohang Railway Forest was the second approval after Pohang -do forest, which was approved in December last year. Pohang Iron Trail Forest, which was registered in the external project of the GHG emissions, is a city forest that has been planted as a citizen -friendly green space of the East Sea Nambu Line, which occurred after the opening of the KTX Pohang direct line in April 2015, and planted more than 106 species of 210,000 trees. A total of 1,200 tons of greenhouse gas reductions were certified over the year. This emission ticket can be traded in the emission market with value of about 42 million won. The securing greenhouse gas emissions using these urban forests is significant in that it presented a model for realizing carbon neutral and securing climate change response capability.

◆ A city that makes urban forests based on digital token

Glasgogo in the UK is implementing a “Treesai Project” that promotes the newly created urban forest as a digital -based citizen participatory management system. Glasgow has set up a measure for 170,000 people in the Clyde and Rochromond regions exposed to flood damage through the 2020 future environment crisis simulation. It is a project to create urban forests in the area to reduce sewage leakage and air pollution.

An alternative token (NFT) is a virtual token that proves the owner of digital assets using blockchain technology. Although it is not a real currency, it can be traded by substitute currency, such as a casino chip or token used as an old bus fare.

◆ Transaction of carbon rights in response to climate crisis

Whether we want or not, all countries included in the Carbon Neutral Mandatory State should be reduced to less than 45%compared to the standard, according to the GHG reduction target by 2030 of the 2018 Government Council (IPCC). Accordingly, countries are expanding the transaction of greenhouse gas emission rights, which are the greenhouse gas reduction systems defined in Article 17 of the Kyoto Protocol. Korea has enacted the Act on the Allocation and Transaction of GHG emissions and transactions in May 2012 and has been implementing since January 2015.

The allocation is assigned to a company that owns more than 25,000 tons of greenhouse gas emission sites or a voluntary application for organizations that are voluntarily applied for. Companies or organizations that have been certified for final carbon emissions will cause as much carbon emissions as much as they are discharged less than allocated emissions. This emission ticket can be traded in the over -the -counter market. Currently, Korea’s emission rights are 슬롯머신 traded for about 28,000 won per ton.

Another way to secure carbon emissions is external business. It is a typical way to secure emission rights through the development of large -scale stewed industries and carbon dioxide capture (CCUS) technology. Large companies such as SK Forestry select a method of being recognized for carbon emissions by creating forests for mountains and forests, and local governments create urban forests to secure emissions with certification of verification agencies. The emissions that are secured can also be sold in the trading market. The Clean Development System (CDM) refers to an emission rights that such external projects invest over the border and invest in developing countries. In other words, it is a method in which the UN can be used in the country by issuing a certificate for the reduction of greenhouse gases caused by investing in the developing countries.

But there is a problem in this way. This is because carbon emissions, which are secured by investing at a small cost in developing countries, are used as the right to emission greenhouse gas emissions in their own country, and the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions in the country does not decrease and the counterproductive effect occurs. For this reason, the European Union (EU) plans to introduce a so -called carbon country, which investigates carbon -containing volume by industrial items imported from 2023 and links carbon prices in conjunction with the carbon emission trading system (ETS). For three years from 2023, only reports of carbon emissions of imports will be received, and from 2026, they will actually impose it.

◆ Introduction of urban carbon transaction system

In response to the environmental climate crisis and global carbon policy, it is necessary to lead a variety of business models to reduce urban greenhouse gases to lead digital transitions and become a data base city. In addition, as a smart city leading city, carbon emissions are required to be measured correctly in urban basis, and a strategy is needed for citizens to respond together. To do this, the following step -by -step approach is required.

First of all, an accurate diagnosis of the city’s future environment crisis is required. Like the British Glasgo, which has previously examined, there are already various simulation technologies that can diagnose the future environment and crisis by using data such as satellite geographic data, residential and industrial location. This diagnosis allows you to identify urban areas vulnerable to heat waves and floods, and design preemptive countermeasures.

Next, a comprehensive carbon reduction platform is required to measure the carbon reduction efforts in the city digitally and to check the reduction of micro units. For example, if you grant an impossible token token (NFT) to all trees managed in our city and measure the annual carbon suction amount for each tree, you can see the total amount of greenhouse gas reductions of the entire city. Already, the amount of carbon inhalation by wood type and receipt is modeled, so you only need to enter the exact wood data. The key is that the platform is qualified to trade carbon rights through the procedure and approval of the certification agency. Daegu NFT token is a device to deliver the right to manage to citizens and return the profits from carbon transactions to citizens.

▸ Trees AI: A Platform to Value and Invest in Nature Beyond Carbon. (Triz AI homepage)

▸ Pohang City Forest: approval of greenhouse gas emissions (2022-4-22, electric newspaper)

▸ Increase in carbon price system… Economic agents must find ways to respond (2022-01-06, Industrial Daily)

▸ Support for reduction of greenhouse gas reduction in Korea Environment Corporation

▸ What if there is a carbon emission market?

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