[월:] 2021년 08월

“You can have a casino in Phuket! ? ]

According to Phuket Times, we are preparing to open five legal casinos throughout Thailand, including Phuket. From the article of Phuket Times below (using translation software) The committee has urged the government to open five legal casinos nationwide. The committee is preparing to propose five legal casinos nationwide by imposing 30 % of taxes in […]

“I saw Gobugobu Part 2”

Good evening everyone. Where do you think Ossan is? What a Iwate prefecture ww It’s really cool! ! The daytime temperature is 24 ° C Air conditioner Iranke! ! It’s a story. I’m really related to wine There’s a job like interviewing, but To be surprised (゚ д ゚) Knowledge of cult wine was useful! […]